Online Poker
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Poker Rules
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Texas Hold’em Rules
Learn the rules of Texas Hold’em
Omaha Poker Rules
Learn the rules of Omaha Poker
Short Deck Rules
Learn the rules of Short Deck Poker
Poker Strategy
Poker Positions
The importance of position in poker
Poker Ranges
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Poker Odds
Essential guide to poker odds
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Poker is a form of entertainment. Tight Poker and its writers recommend that our readers play poker and gamble responsibly when they are of legal age and sound mind. Our services are in no way intended for users under the age of 18.
It is important to note that our site is for informational and entertainment purposes only and does not directly offer or solicit gambling. While the members of our content team are experts in various aspects of the poker industry, we should not be considered legal experts. Our articles are subject to our editorial guidelines, well-researched, and based on the most current information available, but we do not claim any standing in a court of law.
Online poker is a complicated legal subject. The laws of one jurisdiction can be markedly different from even those of a directly bordering jurisdiction. Some countries treat poker as gambling, while others view it as a distinct game for legal purposes. Further, some regions make running an online poker room illegal but do not criminalize the act of playing online poker. Due to that complexity, it is beyond our ability to anticipate the legal implications of playing online poker for all of our visitors. We strongly encourage users of our site to verify the legality of online poker with regard to their local law.
If online poker is illegal in your country, state, or region, your use of this site is strictly restricted to entertainment purposes. If you have questions about the legality of any activity, you should always first seek qualified legal advice and never rely solely on the use of commercial websites.
Our ratings of online poker rooms are based on a number of independent aspects of each poker site. We assign specific grades to rooms on factors like banking and game selection so that players can immediately get a basic sense of how one room stacks up against the overall competition. What we don’t do is pad our reviews with useless and outdated information. We base our reviews on a variety of information, including direct experience playing at the room, industry statistics, aggregate play data, and surveys of other online poker players. Our ratings are therefore very dynamic and change on a regular basis as new information about the rooms impacts their rating (for better or for worse).
We also appreciate that not all factors matter equally to all players – a Mac-compatible US-based poker room is obviously very important to someone who owns a Mac in, say New Jersey, but is more or less irrelevant to someone running Windows in Canada. Our general approach is to give you as many relevant facts about the room as possible so that you have the tools to evaluate how good of a fit a room is likely to be for you.
Tight Poker does not operate a poker room or a gambling site of any sort. This site earns revenue through affiliate commissions based on signups to various poker rooms. Operators can’t buy their spot nor do we promote sites based on the number of commissions received. The intent of our content is to provide you with the best resource for online poker. Advertising comes second.